
Here, we will get you started utilizing Vaken.

Clone the repository

If you do not have git installed on your machine, you will need to do that first. Head to [] and download the appropriate installer for your operating system.

Then, clone the repository from GitHub by opening a command line prompt (Terminal on OSX, or Command Prompt on Windows), and navigating to the desired install location. Then, use this command:

git clone

Then, change directory into Vaken by using:

cd vaken

Install dependencies

If you do not have Node or npm on your machine, install it here.

From the vaken folder, type npm i to install all dependencies of the project.

.env file

We use a .env file in order to handle all secrets that specific to your application. This includes your API keys for OAuth, your connection URI to MongoDB, and more. Copy the .env.template, and replace it with your own values.


Don't forget the .env file! Otherwise, you will not be able to connect to a database.

Run the app!

Now that you have everything installed and ready to go, run npm run dev in your terminal from the root directory. This will concurrently build the client, generate GraphQL types, start the server, and start the client. All of these things will automatically rebuild as you change the application–open a tab at localhost:8081 and you're ready to see the app live!

If you would like to use the GraphQL playground to make queries through a UI on your database, you may do so at localhost:8080.


In order to deploy the app on a service such as Heroku, please first ensure that you have all the .env variables functioning on your local machine–e.g. npm run dev works without errors.

Then, you can run npm run build to produce an optimized version of the build, and push up the changes to wherever you are deploying Vaken. The application needs to run with npm start in order for the app to start running. If there are any errors, please submit an issue on GitHub or contact us at info [at]