Testing and Linting


We use Jest for testing. Snapshot testing is mostly for frontend, while mocking is preferable for backend.

Our local jest tests use the --only-changed option, which runs tests only for files that are actually changed, to speed up testing. NOTE: the CI will run all the tests regardless.

Jest configs are split using projects into specific backend and frontend configurations (see ./jest.config.js)

Running tests

npm run generate
npm run check:test # runs only changed tests
npm run check:test:ci # runs all tests


We use Eslint for linting. The linting tests are cached with the --cache option.

NOTE: there are multiple eslint files. The rules are cascaded with the rule in the more specific directory taking priority (see Eslint cascading hierarchy)

npm run check:lint # runs the linter
npm run check:lint:fix # runs the linter with autofix